We all enjoy planning for the exciting things in life like weddings, careers, families, and vacations. And while each are important, most of us neglect to plan for one of life’s biggest events:getting older.
According to the AARP, nearly 90 percent of adults over 65 want to remain in their current homes as they grow older. But nearly half of them say they have not taken the steps needed to prepare for long-term independent living.
Creating a strategy for your future after 65 is just as important as preparing for your future when you were 21. To get started, make a list of things that are important to you and decide if you want to age in your current home or somewhere else.
Evaluate for Safety
If you choose to stay in your home, the first thing you will want to do is take an environmental assessment to make sure you can safely live there as you get older.
Will you have to navigate stairs and if so, how will you do that? Do you need to make changes to areas like bathrooms or a kitchen to make them safer? If the answer is yes, start the process sooner rather than later.
Build Your Team
Identifying who you can lean on for a support team is also valuable. This could include family members and friends who you trust to help you age in place safely. Create a caregiving plan that explains how YOU want to live and make sure to share it. This plan may need to be updated several times depending on how your needs change.
Check Finances
To help you live comfortably, you may need to pay for extra things such as cleaning services, home healthcare, or transportation services. While it is possible that paying for a few services out of pocket could cost less than moving into a care facility, a thorough evaluation of your finances is critical when making your care journey decisions.
Some things you want may cost a lot. Others may be free or covered by Medicare or other health insurance. Check with your insurance provider to find out about what you might qualify for. Another option that is becoming more popular is bringing in a roommate to share housing expenses to support your cashflow.
Reach Out to Sandwych
Now that you have built your strategy, you may have a few questions about how to make it happen. We are always happy to share any resources we have with you. Join the SandwYch community today or feel free to reach out to us with any questions you may have at hello@sandwych.co. You can also get plugged in with our growing SandwYch community on Facebook.
Aging in Place: Are You Ready?
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